A Lifelong Battle
Chronic illnesses touch every facet of a patient's everyday life. That is especially true for digestive diseases which cause many patients to micromanage their food intake and go on specialized diets. For sufferers of IBD and IBS, it can be very difficult to get many of the vitamins and nutrients that most people take for granted. Even something as simple as eating fruits can be difficult due to the irritation caused by the skins of the fruits.

Looking for a Better Option
Our founder, who is an IBD patient, has particular trouble with fruits and has struggled his whole life to get his daily servings of fruit. Smoothies were the best option available, but they are inconvenient for travel and even blended fruits can cause moderate irritation. He grew tired of trying the ready to drink options that either tasted bad or were packed with artificial ingredients that are not gut friendly.

Making a Better Option
Armed with a sweet tooth and a love of exotic fruits, he ventured out to create a simple, pure, 100% juice with no additives or artificial ingredients. And so, Namai was born, helping to make all those suffering in silence feel more comfortable and at home.
Please Consider Donating
Millions of Americans are suffering in silence. You pass them everyday at the supermarket, at restaurants, in your school, at the park, and at your workplace. They are fighting a lifelong battle that no one else can see, and mostly they just want to live a normal life. Please consider following the below links to our partners and donating to help fund research and outreach programs.