Basil Seed Drinks

Basil seeds have a long history of use in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine.  They are high in fiberiron, and magnesium which are all very important for your gut health and managing your gut microbiome.  

It can be very difficult for IBD and IBS patients to tolerate fibrous foods, but fiber is vital to a well functioning gut.  Basil seeds, after floating in a liquid to make them gelatinous, can be a very easily digestible source of fiber for those of us with gut health issues.

Everyone can benefit from introducing basil seeds to their life, basil seeds have been linked to the following benefits:

-  Weight loss and appetite management

-  Blood sugar control

-  Lowering cholesterol

-  Lowering risk of cardiovascular disease, colorectal cancer, and type 2 diabetes


Don't try crunching on a raw basil seed!  It won't be a very pleasant experience!  With Namai, you can get the great benefits of basil seeds as part of a delicious drink.